The last couple of years 'I need to get all my ducks in a row' has been a frequent phrase escaping my mouth. I found it poignant and quite symbolic last Thursday that I took this photo...
I'm the most happy I've been for...well I can't even remember. I have a sense of contentment and I am embracing life. I really feel that indeed, my ducks are all very much in a row. And I even have the picture to prove it.
Thanks to the people at HelloGiggles I've been exposed to 40 Days of Dating. Meet Tim and Jessie.
These two designer friends are dating for 40 days to try and break their bad dating habits and they've invited us to join them on the ride. Jessie falls in love too quickly and expects too much too soon...sound familiar? Tim is a commitment-phobe. New Yorkers by choice, this project is brimming with NYC uniqueness. There's something about the city that instills this kind of crazy 'I can do anything' mentality. And seeing it in typeface on their site makes me realise how I need to try my hardest everyday to keep this mentality with me, even though I am so far away. I've been sat here for the last hour catching up on their 40 days. I'm on day 11 so far and have discovered the following... 1. I'm loving the insight into their daily lives not just because of their interesting journey they've embarked on but also because of references to a not-so-average NYC daily life with pit stops at familiar places to me along the way. Just seeing 39th street or the Village referenced makes my heart skip a beat. 2. Tim's video he sent Jessie on day 8 made me grin as much as I'm sure she did. It felt a little like I was in my very own rom-com and I suddenly had to remind myself that: TIM DID NOT SEND THIS VIDEO TO ME! 3. Apparently he's ended up dating a fair few girls he's met in Whole Foods in the last six years. This made me a, wonder why I never met anyone in the Union Square Whole Foods in the last year and b, I should probably try and shop in the Piccadilly Circus one more often. *Image taken from 40 Days of Dating